Monday, May 19, 2008

Last Summer

So last summer I did surround myself with nature and it was great. I even planted my first garden, and it was organic. The one great thing about experiencing all this nature, was that I could share it with my son. I hope that he will feel as connected to the land as I did as a child. I know he probably won't have as many opportunities as I did because he lives in the city, but I hope he appreciates the experiences he does have.

Last summer was pretty good, I didn't have to wish or hope that I would that connection back, I just went out and did it. Last year I even went swimming for the first time in years. So this year I plan to do more.

I wasn't going to do a garden again, because we had a dog that took over the back yard, but I've decided that planting and growing my own food is important to me and it's important that I continue to teach my son about nature. We've actually started baking together, and surprisingly he really enjoys it. So I intend to add our own garden grown foods to our recipes. Last year he helped plant the seeds and this year I intend for him to pick, bake and cook with our food.

It's so nice to get back to nature, even if sometimes the connection is
made in the city. ; )

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